
Complete the registration form below to sign up for Esrum Medieval Days as a merchant/stallholder. We review all registrations in incoming order and we will get in touch with each applicant as quickly as possible. Please note that registration must be approved by Esrum Abbey and  is not final until the receipt of the signed contract.

Please read the general guidelines for participation, issues of particular interest to stallholders and the prices to participate.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Registration Trader

Step 1: Type of trade and product range

If your stall falls within both categories, select 'sale of beverage and food'. Do you want to rent a stall please contact Tine Danielsen directly.

Pictures of stall and goods

Submit link to pictures of stall and goods. Make sure that the pictures are public accessible.

You can also use the upload box to upload your images - submit a single PDF file with photos.

- Or -

Maximum file size: 10.49MB
