Esrum Abbey & Millfarm is located at Klostergade 11-12, 3230 Græsted. Often the GPS will guide you through the town of Esrum – it is the wrong way, continue instead of Frederiksværksvej. When you get to the gravel road take the road and at the end you will find the parking lot for the participants .
Parking for participants is at the parking lot at the Millfarm with entrance from Frederiksværksvej.
Upon arrival
Esrum Medieval Days is open for arrival from Thursday 12.00.Upon arrival you must contact the camp office at the Millfarm or call Tine Danielsen at +4550807931, and we will help you from there .
Camp office
The Camp Office is here to help you with big and small during your stay. It is here you get firewood, straw, charges your cell phone, etc.
Opening hours at the Camp Office:
Thursday: 14.00 -16.00
Friday: 15.00 – 20.00
Saturday: 9-10.30 & 16-17.30
Sunday: 9-10.30 & kl. 17.00-20.00
The Mill Garden
The Mill Garden is where we have breakfast and lunch. The Mill Garden is also our free space where we can check facebook, twitter, news on the phone and etc.
For those of you who are in the canteen service, the meal times as follows:
- Saturday and Sunday – Breakfast: 8.00-9.45
- Saturday and Sunday – Lunch: 12-14.30
- Dinner Saturday at 19.00 (In the inn -the big tent)
Coffee, water and lemonade are free for participants and volunteers from 10:00 to 16:00 in the Mill Garden.
Shopping opportunities
It is possible to buy lunch and dinner in Mill Café Thursday and Friday .
Nearest convenience store is Rema in Esbønderup. Address: Østvej 8 Esbønderup, 3230 Græsted
Nearest pizzerias can be found in Græsted
Emergency room
During opening hours there will be Samaritans present on the market place. Outside openinghours the nearest emergency room is at Hillerød Hospital. Adress: Nordsjællands Hospital, Dyrehavevej 29, 3400 Hillerød.
Remember to call 1813 before