A trip to England
A trip to England, a set on Flickr. A selection of photos from the past week holidaying in England. Mostly south of London – a great time… in spite of too much rain and spending too much money 😉
A trip to England, a set on Flickr. A selection of photos from the past week holidaying in England. Mostly south of London – a great time… in spite of too much rain and spending too much money 😉
Old beer bottle, a photo by Runemester on Flickr.
Jomfruhummerhaler og skindstegt torsk med julesalat og blue cheese dressing Forretten bestod af jomfruhummerhaler og skindstegt torsk m. selleri- og æble salat og blue cheese dressing. (opskriften er tilpasset her fra) Ingredienser 50 g blåskimmelost 1 dl fløde 13 % 400 g knoldselleri 2 julesalat 2 æbler citronsaft 4 skiver groft hvedebrød dildkviste …og sidst […]
Plum-chutney, a photo by Runemester on Flickr. Try it out – the photo links to the recipe…
The pyramid tarp, a photo by Runemester on Flickr. Jack Wolfskin’s Pyramid Tarp… A test-run of the new tent… looking forward to testing it thoroughly over the next month 😉
murals, Torpa Stenhus hall, a photo by Runemester on Flickr. Detail from the rennaisance hall at Torpa Stenhus